Annual moorage customer, you can earn credit toward your moorage for the next moorage year. Simply inform us when you will be vacating your slip and we will do our best to utilize your slip for daily guest moorage or monthly moorage requests that fit with your schedule.
The revenue earned from the slip that you normally occupy will be split with you 50/50. This credit will be applied to your annual moorage for the next full moorage year.
Change of Plans?
Don’t worry about a change of plans and an early return from your cruising; just keep communicating with us and we will work to move any vessel that has been assigned to your slip so that if your plans change, we will have your slip ready for your return.
During this period, in the absence of a reserved paying guest, we may use your slip for our free reciprocal moorage program. There will be no revenue share under this program, however, we will endeavour to ensure that the paying guests over any period are distributed evenly between the participating customers.